Daily Archives: January 26, 2009

Bus Kramat Jati Masuk Jurang di Garut

(Foto: Mansyur Hidayat/ detikcom)
Sumber berita : detiknews.com

Senin, 26/01/2009 05:52 WIB
Bus Kramat Jati Masuk Jurang di Garut
Nograhany Widhi K – detikNews

Jakarta – Bus Kramat Jati masuk jurang di Malangbong, Garut. Peristiwa itu terjadi Senin (26/1/2009) di pagi buta, pukul 04.00 WIB.

“Iya, di daerah Lewo, Kecamatan Malangbong,” ujar petugas bantuan jaga Polsek Malangbong, Ahmad, ketika dihubungi detikcom hari ini, pukul 05.45 WIB.

Menurut dia, semua petugas sedang menuju ke lapangan. Ahmad juga belum mengetahui apakah ada korban jiwa yang timbul dalam kecelakaan ini.

“Korban sudah ada yang dibawa ke Puskesmas Malangbong,” ujarnya. (nwk/nwk)

Senin, 26/01/2009 06:07 WIB
Bus Kramat Jati Masuk Jurang di Garut
Banyak Korban Luka Parah, 1 Orang Dikabarkan Tewas
Nograhany Widhi K – detikNews

Jakarta – Bus Kramat Jati yang masuk jurang di Malangbong, Garut memakan korban sedikitnya 1 orang tewas. Sekitar 7 korban lainnya yang dibawa ke Puskesmas Malangbong luka parah.

Informasi ini dihimpun dari karyawan Puskesmas Malangbong Ujang yang dihubungi detikcom, Senin (26/1/2009) pukul 06.00 WIB.

“Barusan 7 orang (yang dibawa ke Puskesmas). Masih menunggu yang lain,” ujar Ujang.

Ketika ditanya ada atau tidaknya korban jiwa, Ujang mengatakan,”Baru tahu 1 orang (yang tewas). Banyak yang luka parah,” imbuh dia.

Menurut informasi yang didapatnya, jurang tempat Bus Kramat Jati itu terjatuh cukup dalam. “Ini baru dalam penindakan,” tandas Ujang. (nwk/nwk)

Senin, 26/01/2009 07:19 WIB
Bus Kramat Jati Masuk Jurang di Garut, Korban Tewas Jadi 4 Orang
Nograhany Widhi K – detikNews

Jakarta – Korban Kramat Jati yang masuk jurang di Malangbong, Garut yang sudah dievakuasi ke Puskesmas Malangbong sudah 25 orang. 4 Orang di antaranya sudah meninggal.

“Sementara yang terdaftar di Puskesmas 25 orang, meninggal 4 orang. Ada 4 orang lagi yang tergencet di badan bus,” ujar petugas Polsek Malangbong Aiptu Budiono ketika dihubungi detikcom, Senin (26/1/2009).

Budiono mengatakan tidak tahu persis berapa orang penumpang yang terdapat di bus Kramat Jati itu.

“Belum tahu persis. Karena lokasinya jauh dari lokasi,” ujarnya.

Bus Kramat Jati masuk jurang di Malangbong, di daerah Lewo, hari ini sekitar pukul 04.00 WIB. Hingga pukul 07.15 WIB, evakuasi korban dan bus masih dilakukan. (nwk/nwk)

Senin, 26/01/2009 07:31 WIB
Bus Kramat Jati Masuk Jurang Kedalaman 100 M di Garut
Nograhany Widhi K – detikNews

Jakarta – Bus Kramat Jati yang masuk jurang di Malangbong, Garut masih dalam proses evakuasi. Bus itu masuk dalam jurang yang dalamnya 100 meter.

“Infonya, busnya masuk ke sawah, kurang lebih 100 meter dari jalan raya,” ujar petugas Polsek Malangbong Aiptu Budiono ketika dihubungi detikcom, Senin (26/1/2009).

Hingga pukul 07.15 WIB, masih dilakukan evakuasi 4 korban yang menurutnya tergencet badan bus. Sedangkan alat derek, imbuh dia, masih lama untuk datang ke lokasi.

“Memanggil alat derek kurang lebih dua jam,” kata dia.

Lalu lintas di sekitar lokasi, terpantau masih mengalir dan tidak macet.

Bus Kramat Jati masuk jurang di daerah Lewo, Malangbong, hari ini sekitar pukul 04.00 WIB. (nwk/nwk)

Senin, 26/01/2009 08:08 WIB
Bus Kramat Jati Masuk Jurang di Garut
Korban Luka Berat Dirujuk ke RS di Bandung dan Tasikmalaya
Nograhany Widhi K – detikNews

Jakarta – Korban luka berat Bus Kramat Jati yang jatuh ke jurang di Malangbong, Garut dirujuk ke RS di Bandung dan Tasikmalaya. Rata-rata korban luka berat mengalami luka di kepala, patah pinggang dan patah kaki.

Demikian disampaikan petugas Puskesmas Malangbong, Budi ketika dihubungi detikcom, Senin (26/1/2009).

“Korban luka berat sudah dirujuk, rata-rata ke RS di Bandung. Ada yang ke Tasik,” ujar dia.

Sedangkan yang luka ringan, imbuh dia, masih ada 10 orang yang dirawat di Puskesmas. “Mereka dijahit karena luka sobek,” imbuh dia.

Total yang dilarikan di Puskesmas Malangbong, sekitar 23 orang, termasuk 4 orang korban tewas. (nwk/nwk)

Senin, 26/01/2009 10:07 WIB
Kramat Jati Terjun ke Jurang
Korban Tewas 6 Orang, Luka-luka 30 Orang
Mansyur Hidayat – detikNews

Garut – Korban jiwa akibat kecelakaan bus yang masuk jurang di Garut merangkak naik. Perkembangan terakhir, jumlah penumpang yang tewas mencapai 6 orang.

“Jumlah penumpang ada 36 termasuk awak bus. 6 meninggal, 30 luka,” kata Kapolres Garut AKBP Rusdi Hartono di lokasi kejadian, Jl Raya Malangbong, Kampung Pangkalan Lewo, Sukaratu, Garut, Senin (26/1/2009).

Semua korban tewas dan luka-luka sudah berhasil dievakuasi dari jurang berkedalaman 200 meter itu. Korban tewas ditampung di Puskesamas Malangbong yang berjarak 6 km dari lokasi kecelakaan, sementara korban luka-luka sebagian dibawa ke Puskesmas Limbangan.

Belum ada informasi resmi tentang identitas para korban tewas atau selamat. Namun 2 korban tewas yang terakhir dievakuasi mengenakan berjenis kelamin perempuan dengan usia masing-masing berkisar 35 dan 17 tahun.

Bus Kramat Jati B 7859 AC rute Bandung-Wonogiri terjun bebas ke dalam jurang sekitar pukul 04.30 WIB. Belum ada keterangan penyebab kecelakaan, tetapi cuaca pada saat itu cukup cerah, tanpa kabut yang dapat menghalangi pandangan. (gah/nwk)

Senin, 26/01/2009 10:54 WIB
Kramat Jati Terjun ke Jurang
Tak Ada Jejak Pengereman di Aspal
Mansyur Hidayat – detikNews

Jakarta – Penyebab kecelakaan Bus Kramat Jati yang terjun ke jurang masih belum diketahui. Namun fakta di lapangan menunjukkan tidak ada bekas rem di aspal jalan dekat lokasi kecelakaan.

Pantauan detikcom, Senin (26/1/2009), tidak terlihat ada bekas gesekan ban dengan aspal di jalan yang mengarah ke dalam jurang.

Bus seolah-seolah nyelonong begitu saja ke dalam jurang. Padahal jika sopir sempat mengerem, maka akan ada bekas ban di aspal.

Lokasi kecelakaan memang rawan kecelakaan. Tidak tampak adanya pagar pengaman untuk mencegah kendaraan jatuh ke jurang.

Bus Kramat Jati jurusan Bandung-Wonogiri B 7859 AC jatuh ke jurang yang terletak di Jl Raya Malangbong, Kampung Pangkalan Lewo, Sukaratu, Garut, pukul 04.30 WIB. Pada saat itu bus tengah dalam perjalanan dari Tasik menuju Bandung.

Lalu tanpa diketahui alasannya, bus naas itu terjun ke dalam jurang dengan kedalaman 200 meter. Setelah berguling-guling, akhirmua bus terdampar di dasar jurang dengan posisi miring.

Senin, 26/01/2009 14:28 WIB
Bus Kramat Jati Masuk Jurang
6 Korban Tewas Dimandikan di Puskesmas Malangbong
Mansyur Hidayat – detikNews

Garut – 6 Korban tewas dalam kecelakaan bus Kramat Jati di Malangbong telah dimandikan di Puskesmas Malangbong, Garut, Jabar. Petugas masih menunggu jenazah diambil oleh pihak keluarga.

6 Korban itu adalah sopir bus, Jajang Saeful (45), dan penumpang bus, yakni Muhammad Imam Guzaedi (44), Tukimun (40), Winarsih (37), Karina (14), dan Sisyam (70).

Sementara itu 11 orang mengalami luka berat dan 11 orang lainnya mengalami luka ringan. Korban luka berat telah dirujuk ke RS Hasan Sadikin (RSHS) Bandung dan RSUD Tasikmalaya, termasuk kernet bus, Hartono (40), yang menderita patah tangan dan luka-luka di wajah.

Hingga pukul 14.00 WIB, Senin (26/1/2009), proses evakuasi bus Kramat Jati masih berlangsung dengan menggunakan dua buah derek. Kedalaman jurang setinggi 200 meter membuat proses evakuasi menjadi sulit.

Masyarakat masih berkerumun di sekitar lokasi. Akibat kecelakaan ini petugas terpaksa memberlakukan sistem buka tutup di Jl Raya Malangbong arah ke Bandung dan Tasikmalaya. Walau tidak macet total, antrean panjang sempat terjadi. (rdf/sho)


Filed under Public Transportation, Traffic Safety

Congestion Charge in London (1)


photo : AP and telegraph.co.uk

About the Congestion Charge

Vehicles which drive within a clearly defined zone of central London between the hours of 07:00 and 18:00, Monday to Friday, have to pay an £8 daily Congestion Charge.

Payment of the charge allows you to enter, drive within, and exit the Charging Zone as many times as you wish on that day.

The charge aims to reduce traffic congestion and improve journey times by encouraging people to choose other forms of transport if possible.

Some individuals and vehicles are exempt from payment, or can claim a discount on the charge.

All monies raised from Congestion Charging are spent on London’s transport facilities.


More than five years after the Congestion Charge was launched, and over a year after the Western Extension began, traffic levels are still down but congestion has risen back to pre-charging levels.

However, congestion would be significantly worse without the sustained traffic reductions brought about by the charge.

Decreasing levels of road space in both the original charging zone and Western Extension has caused congestion to return to levels experienced before the charge was introduced.

A widespread programme of water and gas main replacement works has greatly reduced the road capacity in both zones, as have various traffic management measures to assist pedestrians and other road users.

One of the biggest current contributory factors within the Western Extension is a major property development at the Scotch House Corner junction in Knightsbridge.

By law, all net revenue raised by the charge has to be invested in improving transport in London.

Since the Congestion Charge scheme started:

  • Traffic entering the original charging zone remains 21 per cent lower than pre-charge levels (70,000 fewer cars a day)
  • Traffic entering the Western Extension has fallen by 14 per cent (30,000 fewer cars a day)
  • There has been a six per cent increase in bus passengers during charging hours
  • There has been a 12 per cent increase in cycle journeys into the Western Extension
  • £137m being raised, in the financial year 2007/08, to invest back into improving transport in London


photo : http://www.london-congestion-charge.co.uk


Traffic congestion clogs up roads, threatens businesses and damages London’s status as a thriving world city.

When the Mayor took office in 2000:

  • London suffered the worst traffic congestion in the UK and amongst the worst in Europe
  • Drivers in central London spent 50% of their time in queues
  • Every weekday morning, the equivalent of 25 busy motorway lanes of traffic tried to enter central London
  • It was estimated that London lost between £2-4 million every week in terms of lost time caused by congestion

The Mayor’s election manifesto included a pledge to tackle congestion. Following his election the scheme was fine-tuned in order to meet demands from businesses, residents and a large number of other interested groups.

In February 2002 the final form of the scheme was announced, and the charge was introduced in February 2003. In February 2007 the charging zone was extended Westwards.

Congestion Charging is part of a wider, comprehensive transport strategy, which was published in July 2001.

(source : Transport for London website)

Related topic read here.

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Filed under Public Transportation, Traffic System

Minibus buzzes around `city’

  Broward County Transit, or BCT, and Wannado City recently announced a joint venture that has put a mini BCT transit bus on the streets of the indoor theme park. The bus will shuttle visitors around the city, give them tours and educate them about mass transit. Here, the bus makes its way through the streets of Wannado City.
Broward County Transit, or BCT, and Wannado City recently announced a joint venture that has put a mini BCT transit bus on the streets of the indoor theme park. The bus will shuttle visitors around the city, give them tours and educate them about mass transit. Here, the bus makes its way through the streets of Wannado City.


Wannado City, the child-size ‘city’ at Sawgrass Mills, has created another attraction — a Broward Transit minibus exhibit.


Special to The Miami Herald

Doris Williams has taken her grandson, Dasiem, 11, to Wannado City in Sunrise since the indoor theme park for kids opened in 2004.

On Jan. 16, she helped open a new attraction inspired by those visits.

Williams, a Broward County Transit employee, was intrigued with the child-size city that helps youngsters explore real jobs. And it gave her an idea.

‘When I saw the fire engines and ambulances riding around, I said, `BCT should be in there,’ ” Williams said.

Broward County Transit and Wannado City recently announced a joint venture that has put a mini BCT transit bus on the streets of the indoor theme park. The minibus will shuttle visitors around, give them tours and educate them about mass transit.

The 13-month sponsorship was paid for with a $50,000 grant from the Florida Department of Transportation, Williams said.

”The objective of the Broward County Commission and Broward County Transit is to attract young riders,” said Williams, a BCT special projects coordinator. “We already have kids who ride the bus to school and use it on weekends to go to parks and cultural activities. We would like to see that increase because they are our future riders.”

The joint venture also will expose more parents to the transit system and help educate kids about career possibilities.

”Most kids just see the bus riders,” Williams said. “On a video, kids will be able to see mechanics, the designer of promotional pieces, and the coach attendants who provide upkeep for the buses.”

The bus will offer three tours, said Bruce Glorsky, sales and marketing director for Wannado City. An Action and Adventure tour will pass the rock climbing wall and paleontology and archaeology exhibits. The Fame and Fortune tour will swing by the jeweler, acting studio and theater. A City and Industry tour will take visitors by the courthouse and police and fire departments.

There are three bus stops and one main bus terminal, each with a video component that will offer a behind-the-scenes look at mass transit, Glorsky said.

A video system on the bus will welcome visitors, tell them a little about BCT, then provide the audio for the tour, he said.

The bus, which belongs to Wannado City and was previously used for a dinosaur tour, has been redesigned as a BCT Breeze bus, Glorsky said.

”Through time, we have flexed a lot of things at the park into something else,” he said. “It’s a way to keep our park fresh.”

Wannado City is offering $4 off admission to BCT bus pass holders.

Source : http://www.miamiherald.com

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Filed under Public Transportation